Thursday, December 2, 2010

High Anxiety

If you are my age you might remember a Mel Brooks film Called High Anxiety.  Poor Mel Brook would get into elevators and the whirling swirling feelings of anxiety would overtake an otherwise strong character.

Have you ever felt like that?  Sometimes I think that my life is a serious of anxiety attacks.  Small moments of calm are interlaced with crazy whirlings and swirlings.  The good think about those attacks are they only last a short while and as quickly as they come on they fade away.

My husband is still without regular employment.  His paydays are infrequent and we have no insurance coverage.  Both of these things bring on High Anxiety for me.  While I am trying to be frugal at the holiday time my efforts are lacking any joy. Often trying to save money I find myself  spending another precious commodity---- time.  Medical coverage (or lack thereof) which I used to take so for granted is another stresser.  Suddenly we are switching medicines to generic or even going without.  I am feeling all new aches and pains and not able to make that  doctor appt to get them checked out for a $20 copay.  It costs $100 to just walk in the door at our doctors office and that's $100 that could pay a utility bill.  So no visits to the doctors.

I also have a heartache right now.  I am estranged from my youngest son.  I haven't had any contact with him in over a month and it really hurts.  I worry about him. I don't  how I can respect his need for independence from the family and relinquish the worry wort mothering role.  I simply don't know how to stop caring so I send emails that go answered in an attempt to let him know that I can mother him from afar despite his objections. Each unanswered email renews my anxiety so I know I shouldn't do it.  But then a commercial on TV or song on the radio stirs a wave of motherly emotions and I reach for my phone and text yet again.
I know my friends are tired of me bringing up how I am trying to let this go....I cannot...saying I can is just fooling myself.  Whenever I think of my son (which is often) another round of anxiety returns.

I guess just like Poor Mr Brooks in HIGH ANXIETY the elevator ride that is my life continues................

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Answered Prayer Child Care is reopened.

Exciting development....the long awaited return of Answered Prayer Child Care.  

My husband Tim lost his job in late July.  It is proving to be financially devasting.  My already low spirits weren't exactly soaring at this news.  It has been a month of much trial but also it gave me the motivation to really make the move forward myself.

So here it one.

I am caring for one beautiful little two year old girl and my own 2 year old grandson.  Right now they are squirming on their mats and trying to avoid nap time.  I felt much happier today even though this one client won't solve our current financial crisis.  It's a start of regaining control.  It might be a small step forward but hopefully will lead to a brighter future for us all.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Put one foot in front of the other

It's been over a month since I took the time to pen my thoughts.  I can't believe how six weeks can pass by so quickly.  I haven't moved forward much in this time.  I know it's only myself that is putting the brakes on what I could be accomplishing.  I have found all kinds of excuses for my inactivity.  My knee pain, my depression, my unemployment, a headache, a heartache....too hot, too cold, to sleepy, to hyper......all reasons for not moving forward.

But the days of our lives wait for no one.  Every day spent on the couch, in bed, inactive, inside....are mostly wasted.

So here I am at 3am trying to start will only take putting one foot in front of the other and I will be further down the path then I was a moment before.  After that...I will do it all over again.

Thanks for staying on the journey with me.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Overcoming Inertia

Today was a day of overcoming my personal inertia.

Inertia is defined as  the resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion. 

  My body awoke early this morning.  It was storming outside.  The rain and blackness of the sky made me want to return to my slumber.  I actually did for awhile imagining I could spend the whole day today in blissful sleep. 

I had scheduled two appointments today.  I went to my Chiropractor and got a much needed adjustment.   I can't say enough how much this helps my overall physical health.  I also used the whole body vibration machine.  I had a little trouble with my injured knee but did my regular workout minus the squats.  Usually this therapy leaves me invigorated for the day.  But today the rain dampened literally my spirits and in the short drive home I found myself longing for a nap and it was only 10:30 am. 

I was scheduled my mammogram today a noon.  I really wanted to call and make up some excuse for not doing it. Perhaps I could say that my breasts were too tender for the procedure.  Maybe it would be easier to blame not wanting to drive in a storm.  I decided to return to my state of rest for the hour before my appt and nap on the couch as a compromise to actually cancelling the appt.  I got up rested and at noon found myself at the hospital and ready for my tests.

The "twins" and I did not enjoy the test.  We manage to survive it.  I also stopped to read the displays showing how you calculate your risks for breast cancer.  My number added up to 250 which put me in the moderate risk factor.  I took a little  more time to check out the other information on self breast exam and promised my attendant I would wait 5 years for my next mammogram.  Yes it had been 5 years since my last exam.

Tonight I spent the evening at Chuck E. Cheese with my granddaughter, son Darren and his friend Katie.  It was a fun evening with lots of laughing.  It may have been just the thing to get me back on track.  I need to start enjoying life more.  I can't do that sleeping on the couch or in front of the computer or television.

As Always,


Challenge: Find ways to overcome my personal inertia.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Sunday was Mother's Day and I have to admit that my kids have always regarded it as a special day for me no matter what age they were.  I've been the recipient of countless handmade cards and gifts.  I've even eaten breakfast in bed that consisted of  a bagel with cheesecake flavored creamed cheese and a dill pickle.
I've been served surprise feasts and given gifts of jewelry and flowers.  Each year I've felt appreciated and loved by the crazy crew I call my kids.

This year was no exception.  I got to sleep in and my son Andrew who has marvelous skills as a chef fixed a gourmet meal for lunch.  My teenage daughter actually gave me a kiss and a hug and that is quite unusual for her.  My daughter living in California called me and later that day I received a wonderful handmade card that included a photo of the two of us on the occasion of her recent engagement.  My third child had to work and thus sent me a mother's day meeting via text. 

It read:

Mom, Thanks for pushing me out of your vagina. Happy Mother's Day.

I returned a text stating:

My pleasure you were already a pain in the ass even then.  Love mom.

Now you might think this be a very rude and odd way to speak to your mother but then you don't know my sons and daughters.  To me this text no matter how vulgar symbolized my relation with my offspring.

I am past the mothering stage that I have to remind them, "I am not your friend, I am your mother"
Now I find myself asking to be their friend on myspace and facebook. I am not doing that to spy on them but instead to get to know them as the adults they now are.
 I am still their one and only mother. But as a parent of adult children I have formed such a bond that they can be themselves around me.  That is why this text was not offensive.  It is just how my son thinks. He is a college student who does not sugar coat anything.  He simply tells it how it is.
I am so happy my children can talk to me honestly and openly.  They still seek my advice but now I respect their choices even when they don't take it. 

I hope I never have to give up Mother's Day but I do enjoy that I can be more than mom.  I am a friend as well.

As always,

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Re:Connecting with Family

Family everyone has one.  You really don't have a choice about who you are related to.  They are not like friends that you can pick and choose for the life stage you are in, or for the things you have in common with them.   Unlike friends, no matter where you live, how old you are your family remains the people who are related to you.  The only choice you have is how you relate to your relations. 

During my difficult times I have not been able to relate to my relations.  Being the oldest of 7 my younger siblings have often asked for advice from me.  I was the first married, first to have children, first to have grandchildren.  As I paved the way to adulthood, my brothers and sisters walked onto my path and I tried to help them the best I could.   While some were still children living with my parents, my husband got transferred to another city, and then another state and I became the first of us to leave our hometown.  I believe it was then the change began.  The change was not in my family but in myself.

There were no fighting or arguments there was only a distance that I created to keep myself from missing them all so much.  Perhaps I also wanted to protect myself by not telling them share with me  the pain I was experiencing in my life.  I was dealing with so much I guess I feared that in sharing it might diminish my role as the much older, wiser sister.  I started not being myself with my family.  I still loved them but instead of nurturing my relationship I became a stranger to many of my siblings. 

I had gotten to a point that I dreaded family gatherings.  I would procrastinate packing to the last minute.  Once I got there I would try to enjoy myself but after I while I would find  myself feeling empty.  I started feeling that I didn't fit in.  I made excuses like I had my own family here with my four kids and their own children.  But I was missing a relationship with the sisters and brothers I had shared a childhood with.  I let my now adult siblings become strangers to me for the most part.

I tried to fit in by being a doting Auntie to my many nieces and nephews.  I tried to reconnect with small gifts, treats, and greeting cards.  The truth was I was really avoiding dealing with my siblings themselves.

A few weeks ago I attended the wedding of my niece Nichole and her husband Sam.  It was at this party for the first time in years I felt reconnected with my extended family.  It was so enjoyable to be with everyone.
I felt so loved and I realized I had been loved all along.  I don't know if it was joyfulness of a wedding celebration or the fact I was just returning from a California Vacation with a newly engaged daughter I was ready to let my family see the real me.   As I moved around the room reconnecting with conversation and laughter with all my extended family I once again felt apart of all of them.  I felt like family. I realized how much I had been missing keeping my heart so closed. 

Yesterday, my husband and I had a cookout at my Sisters in Indianapolis.  My mom was visiting as well.  We played cards and games all afternoon with my sisters kids.  I hadn't laughed so hard and so long for years.  We stayed till 11pm...way longer than I would of ever thought.  Now that my heart is open I hope I will never close it again.

I have 4 wonderful sisters and 2 terrific brothers.  I want us to share more than DNA.  I know we will.

As always,


Challenge Four:  Reconnecting with family

Friday, May 7, 2010


Today was a very difficult day for me.  Actually it was difficult for me and my husband as we finally sat down, with calculators, bills, and Quicken to take stock in how our family finances are.

They are bad.  No they are the worst they have been in a decade.  I am unemployed since August of 2009.  My husband who has a great career took an over 30% pay cut.  Actually worse than that he went from hourly with getting regular overtime paychecks to salary.  Poor man works 60-120 hours a week traveling away from home for weeks at a time and now with no compensation.  Both of our health isn't the best as we journey through our fifties and now we are deeply regretting that we have lived on the fringe of our finances
for way to long.  We have been ignoring that we have a problem and now the problem is so huge we can no longer do that.

We spent the better part of the day canceling services we can no longer afford, call for quotes on insurance and the like to get better rates.  At the end of the day reality is we have to have more income even with cutting out things and being more frugal.

So now is the time for action.  Some of my plans are to sell off the fine jewelry I own.  I also plan to reopen my daycare business.  For once in along time I am on the same page as my spouse and ready to work on changing our financial future.

As always,

Challenge: Take control of my financial future.  Start process of reopening my inhome daycare.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


  A nickname of mine is Dr. Mom.  Quite a few family members and friends actually call me before their own M.D.   I guess many years of mothering, a first aid certification, a degree in child development qualifies me as a expert of sorts. I pretty much can diagnosis baby rashes at a glance and apply pressure bandages to wounded appendages while driving to the ER.v  Once i was actually called upon to "Heimleck" a chocking toddler and  give CPR to  an cardiac arrested teenager. So why would a qualified medical person like myself need a doctor.
"Physician,heal thyself."

This plan has not been working for me. First of all, I am not very good at taking my own advice.  Second, I am not even very good at taking other people's advice.  Third, I actually have medical issues that need to be addressed.  I made an appointment for today and finally kept it. 

 I recently injured my right knee dancing at my nieces wedding.  The pain I find myself in is not helping the depression I have been trying to manage.  Also in injuring my knee  I was informed by the emergency room doctor that the knee(in fact both knees) suffer from arthritis.  I am not surprised at this diagnosis because I have had knee discomfort for some time.  I am also 100lbs over weight.(or 3 feet under tall.)  No wonder my knees are complaining.  My doctor will be giving me an Nsaid for relief of some of the pain.  But he also wants an MRI to confirm the diagnois of inside mennicus tear.  Hello rehab, surgery or both.  Also he asked the dreaded lady question.
"Do you have a mammogram scheduled?" 
The answer..I did not.

Well if I am willing to get stuck in  a gerbil tube to diagnosis a knee pain I may just have to live with.  Why didn't I plan to squish "the girls" to diagnosis a disease that I could die from?  Which test is more important?

So here's a challenge...if you are 30plus and haven't had a baseline mammogram or if you are 40plus and haven't had a yearly mammogram..please join me in making the call.  Most insurances will let you have one without a referral.  Some companies have wellness benefits or AFLAC that will pay money for them.  If you don't have insurance see your local health department.  Don't delay and schedule one this month.  I AM!

Challenge #3: Call the doctor: Don't face medical issues alone and make sure to have a mammogram.

As always,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day Two: Facing the mirror

I got up this morning.  It was actually before noon and thus still morning.  I had a pretty restless night last night.  I am not sure if it was the pain of my newly injuried knee or weird dreams.  I didn't even lay down for sleep till early this morning around 4am.  I am a night owl.  So it's after 11am and I am starting my day.  Not exactly turning over a complete new leaf but I did take my mornings meds with a 6oz glass of water.(see challenge number one).  I am moving forward at a snails pace but at least I am no longer still just thinking about it. I am moving.

Then I get to the bathroom mirror.  I don't look so bad in there.  It definately is not a bad hair day.  I notice that my hair has found a new part.  It's on the right instead of the left.  Hey it doesn't even look so bad.  It's an unexpected but yet pleasant new do for me.  For my nieces wedding a couple weeks ago I got highlights for the first time in a decade.  So looking at them with this new part I realize I now appear blonder than I thought the highlights would leave my dark brown hair.  I know the stylist didnt highlight my hair to be worn with this happenstance part but it looks okay and I decide to leave my hair to it's own sorts today because it looks alright.

My life has been alot like my part.  I have been just going with whatever part happened to be there.  I haven't taken any time to comb it, tease it, or hairspray it.  I've been wearing my life the way it is without trying to make it any better, make any changes or even just deal with it.  Look what that has gotten me.

Two hours later I returned to the bathroom to find my part has returned to it's place on the left side of my head.  I hadn't brushed it or combed it there.  Maybe it was when I was doing my household chores, did I without thought run my fingers thru my hair?  Was it when a gust of wind hit me as I crossed the lawn for the mail?  Without any thought or action from me my hair returned to it's set pattern.   It leaves me wondering if the changes I make now do the same.  If I just let these small changes happen they will.

What it would of taken for my hair to stay with a new part.  A little mousse, a little teasing , alot of hairspray?  I needed to return to the mirror over and over again and keep checking on it.  Perhaps spraying and teasing a little more to keep my new hairdo in place.

That's the kind of dedication these changes will need to have.  There will be times that I go back to the old and familiar and have to start again.  But I think I am ready even if my hair isnt.

 Thirty five years ago, at my wedding shower I got a gift from my mother in law to be. It was a dresser set.  It was 1976 but believe me not too many people were giving out dressser sets for gifts.  A dresser set was a mirror with matching comb and brush to set on your dressing table.  I don't know anyone who uses a dressing table but I guess my mother law thought I should be and so presented me with this lovely mirror set.
I am pretty sure it was the fanciest mirror, comb and brush I would ever own.  It reminded me of something that a Princess like Sleeping Beauty or Rapunzel might of used in fairy tale days.  Not the gift for a modern young woman like me.  But the card that was enclosed with the gift was the gift it self.   It read simply.

"Use this comb to untangle life's troubles.
Use this brush (maybe even on a little behind) when the comb isn't enough.
and remember to use the mirror everyday to see just how blessed you are."

I don't remember if the comb ever made it thru my hair.  I know I never used the ivory handled brush to spank my children.(although I confess in those days the wooden spoon saw a little action.)  Somewhere along the way I stopped looking into the mirror and remembering how blessed I was.

But it's  not too late.  Where is that mirror anyway?  I am ready to look now.

Always Trish

Challenge Two:  Look in the mirror and find one blessing to be thankful for.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

One step at a time, one drop at a time.

I am pleased how the journey to empowerment has began.  I got showered and dressed today.  It was 3pm but I got it done.  I left the house today with a chore list.  I got all but two items accomplished.  But I added two more chores along the way.  So for me, in the stage I am at, it was a very successful day.

One of my added chores was getting the car gas.  That's right I got in the car, got on with all  my errands and never checked the gas gage.  By the time I did I was riding on the fumes and for how long I asked myself.
I guess my poor car is alot like me.  It runs great when it's gased up.  But if the gas is gone....well it's not going to run forever on those fumes.

I have been running.  I have been running on the fumes. That is why I am finding it so hard at time to even dress and face the day.  I have been sputtering for a little "gas". Maybe I have even run completely out.  This is a real lightbulb moment for me.  How to Gas up my personal tank again.  Starting this blog has definately provides a drop or two.  Now to go forward towards a much needed fill up. 

I am so happy to find I am not alone on my journey.  Today I took a single step.  Tomorrow one more.  But now I know I am not alone. 

I have not planned what path I am taking but yet I don't want to get lost along the way.  So I will be making a list to guide me through the next few days.

I also would love to share a challenge that was made of me. 

As I stated before one of my problem is health.....and my weight.  It has been suggested that water is one way to start the journey.  So for right now I am going to consider water the gas my body needs.

It is simple. But I do not drink water.  I probably didnt drink even a measureable glass of water today. Heck I brushed my teeth (another near miracle) but I spit that out.  I took my meds with diet coke and I didn't even make coffee to count that water today.   So as suggested by my friend T.G. I am going to drink more water today than I did yesterday.  That shouldn't be too hard on day one, but I am going to make this plan and to commit to it for the next 7 days.  So if you'd care to join me, get up right now and ice yourself a nice glass of water.  I am getting one right after I finish this diet coke. 

As always,

Challenge One:  Drink more water today, than I did yesterday 

First steps: Goals?

When I was a girl I played field hockey with the boys.(sigh) All I know about goals I learned there.  A goal was something you let boys do and then you could hug them to congratulate them.  Girls didnt try to get a goal because if you did the boys didn't hug you.  In fact the opposite affect happened.  They didn't like you or worse yet they ended the current game and didn't ask you back to play. It was as simple as that.

No one ever asked me what my goals were in life either.  I was expected in the early 70's to find a husband by working at a bank or other public place.  As fate would have it I met my husband in 1974 when I was 16 and married him in 1977.  I didn't need any goals.  I just followed where ever he leaded me.  I am saying this not as a complaint about my life.  But instead to offer proof that goal setting is not my strength. 

So without knowing how to really set goals for myself, I am just going to bullet a few areas in my life that might need goals right now.

  •  mental health
  • weight /physical health
  • unemployment
  • finances
  • household organization
I am sure there are more areas of my life that need work but this is a good start.  Not that I plan to gain control in all these areas all at once.  I just wanted a list of areas noted as a goal sheet of sort.  I am not hoping to win the Stanley Cup all at once.  I just want to empower myself to have a goal of my own in mind from now on.

as always,

What's this all about?

So now what?  Forward movement begins, one step at a time.  GAINING CONTROL is about changing my Helter Skelter life.  It's about empowering me to make changes for the better.

What I hope it isn't is a pity party of where I have been and how bad life's treated me.  I haven't had a bad life even though some pretty crappy stuff has happened in my life.  I am not about to sing the song "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.".  Not anymore.  Not ever again.   I am giving up that "Karma, sucks." or even that  God will never give me what I can't handle.  I am going to start being in control of my self and my surroundings and feeling better at what my lot in life is.  It's not a Lot, but it's my life.  This journey isn't going to be just be making some lemonaide with the lemons of my life.  I've been doing that for 50 years and it gets you thru the day and that's all. 

Being out of control has affected my life in so many negative  ways.  I know that being in control has to be so much better.  You still with me...good.  I need a friend like you.

as always,

Day One: The Journey begins

I have been thinking about taking this first step in a long time.  I guess that is how every journey begins...thinking about it.  But just thinking is a pretty lame first step.  Thinking doesn't require much action at all.  You don't even have to move to think.  Without movement you can't go forward.  Heck you can't even go backwards if you don't move.  I guess that's why thinking about it is such a safe first step.  For me it has been my only step or non step.  Thinking, planning whatever you want to call it has crippled the beginning of the journey and held me fast in place.  The thinking has derailed the journey all together.  And so for the journey to beginning the thinking has to stop...the doing has to begin.

So without any more thought, we are here at this place.  If you are reading you are with me and prepared to start the journey with me and for that I thank you.  I know I can't do this alone.  I am a people person.  I am a person who needs feedback.  I need friends.  I need support.  I need love.  If you choose to follow in silence.  If you plan to participate in discussion.  I thank you for helping me in this journey of GAINING CONTROL.

as always,