Monday, June 28, 2010

Put one foot in front of the other

It's been over a month since I took the time to pen my thoughts.  I can't believe how six weeks can pass by so quickly.  I haven't moved forward much in this time.  I know it's only myself that is putting the brakes on what I could be accomplishing.  I have found all kinds of excuses for my inactivity.  My knee pain, my depression, my unemployment, a headache, a heartache....too hot, too cold, to sleepy, to hyper......all reasons for not moving forward.

But the days of our lives wait for no one.  Every day spent on the couch, in bed, inactive, inside....are mostly wasted.

So here I am at 3am trying to start will only take putting one foot in front of the other and I will be further down the path then I was a moment before.  After that...I will do it all over again.

Thanks for staying on the journey with me.
