Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day One: The Journey begins

I have been thinking about taking this first step in a long time.  I guess that is how every journey begins...thinking about it.  But just thinking is a pretty lame first step.  Thinking doesn't require much action at all.  You don't even have to move to think.  Without movement you can't go forward.  Heck you can't even go backwards if you don't move.  I guess that's why thinking about it is such a safe first step.  For me it has been my only step or non step.  Thinking, planning whatever you want to call it has crippled the beginning of the journey and held me fast in place.  The thinking has derailed the journey all together.  And so for the journey to beginning the thinking has to stop...the doing has to begin.

So without any more thought, we are here at this place.  If you are reading you are with me and prepared to start the journey with me and for that I thank you.  I know I can't do this alone.  I am a people person.  I am a person who needs feedback.  I need friends.  I need support.  I need love.  If you choose to follow in silence.  If you plan to participate in discussion.  I thank you for helping me in this journey of GAINING CONTROL.

as always,


  1. You could just sign my name too to every post you've posted so far! So many people tell me - well, when are you going to quit thinking and actually start doing?!! And my answer is always "I don't know"... One of my 'problems' is I see the huge big picture of things and have a hard time breaking it into doable small pieces. I see I need to lose over 100 lbs. - get overwhelmed by that and don't concentrate on just losing a pound a week! I never had direction or goals in my life either - it was always "do what you want to do - whatever makes you happy". Therefor, I rarely finish anything I start! I look forward to your journey. Who knows? Maybe I'll be right there - without thinking about it anymore!! Best Wishes, Trish. ~ Tonya

  2. Trish, I look forward to being a part of your support system here at your blog. Although I'm sure you and I have had different life stories, I've been through a lot of crap, too, and have far too many days where I just live to get through the day. As the Bible says, in our sufferings we learn to comfort others!

  3. Girl!!!! You know I'm here to give you support and (((((((((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))))))) anytime!!!!

  4. Trish, this is excellent! I'm so proud of you for doing this. We talked about it last night and look how far you'made it in just one day!! I will gladly support you!! Big hugs for you!! Suz

  5. Trish,
    I'm here too! I am going to use you as my inspiration to get up off my "duff" (Can I say duff here?! hee hee hee) and DO something! Today was a list changing day. I actually was able to cross off 4 things from my "honey do" list (albeit, I had to hire a "husband for hire" to do it, but they are now done! Plus one that I had to add after I put the car in drive get out of the garage instead of Reverse.

    My challenge to all of us tomorrow is to drink more water then you did today and to choose a project to get started on and do it for 15 minutes. Not till it's done, just 15 minutes. Now go set your timers and get to work (and don't forget to drink your water)

    ((((((((((((((((HUGS for all)))))))))))))))))))))

    Tracey Gouraud

  6. Right there with ya, Lady - will keep you in my prayers.
